LIGHT OF THE SIRIUS (hls-lots.xm)
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(C)2002 HELLSUN Written by - Acid Dave - Black Psyche - SpauN The 4th release in 2002 ---------------------- Thanks for samples to dj Scorpia, Xerxes, Zap, AKA, Roland corp. Propellerhead Software and so on. Greetings to: dj Scorpia, Patrick, and other. Finished in August, 2002. E-mail: 727cab.wav Ody-rng2.wav ARP Odyssey Synthp~5.wav Sphere~1.wav Swil-j~1.wav Roland JX3P Swl-jx~1.wav Roland JX3P Cltr.wav St_bd1.wav dwave.leed sampled by AKA 101-swp1.wav Roland SH-101 A.D.clap.wav Stomp.wav Stomp2.wav Diman2.wav Fx002_~1.wav psychedelic.sync.leed (korg Z1) -- bottle_2.xi -- size: 330 K loop: forward type: panflute-like (c) 1998 MAZ Sample-CD: 'no.1 instruments' 047.wav Oberheim Matrix 1000 sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA sampled by AKA Fifths.wav Moog Rogue Ody-bs04.wav Arp Odyssey Crashc~1.wav
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