MaGNeTK GRL by JosSs (jos-girl.xm)
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By - JosSs - ---------------------- - MaGNeTiK GiRL - ------- V2.0 --------- Specially arranged for Eva ---------------------- ---------------------- aLL SaMPLeS uSeD iN THiS XMoD aRe. . . RiPPed ! ! ! FRoM NoRFaiR's XMoD -STReeTS oF VeNiCe- FiLe: Nf-stven.XM ---------------------- ---------------------- Hey Norfair !!! What a XPEKTAKULAR song! T H a N X ! ! ! ---------------------- Smpls by Tito, Necros Marwin, Moby, Norfair and many others. ---------------------- GReeTiNGS ------------- LuTY (No suena mal del todo, Verdad???) FranKie, MaC, ToNyo CHuSSS, TWeNTY PHoToMaN, aSBReTo. . . ---------------------- VeRY SPeCiaL THaNX To NoRFaiR / eCHo oFF aND aLL MoD-MaKeRS aRouND THiS WoRLD ---------------------- ---------------------- PoR CieRTo, TaMBieN uN SaLuDo a ToDa La GeNTe De La SPaNiSHDeMoSCeNe ---------------------- PaSSioNaTe LoVe GoeS To eVa ---------------------- ---------------------- ToTaL DuRaTioN 4 MiN 46 SeC TRaCKiNG TiMe 3 DaYS ---------------------- oRiGiNaL TiTLe - MaGNeTiK GiRL - oRiGiNal FiLe NaMe - MGNTKGRL.XM - ---------------------- TRaCKeD uSiNG FaST TRaCKeR 2.08 XMod DaTe SePTeMBeR 1999 ---------------------- CoMPoSeD iN MaDRiD - SPaiN - PeNTiuM 133 SB-PRo (8 bits) FT 2.08 RiPPeD SaMPLeS ---------------------- CoNTaKT Me aT ---------------------- ---------------------- --- JosSs Was Here --- necros silke erek balrog sample pack by Norfair tito tito tito tito tito tito tito tito tito tito tito tito by Norfair trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin trumpet marwin pulsepad.d50 (16bit.44khz) by Norfair moby moby moby moby moby tito? radix necros necros necros by Norfair by Norfair by Norfair hunz hunz hunz hunz st-hihat hunz balrog sample pack radix caramel/jisemdu
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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