PaintBox - JosSs/MTD (jos-pbox.xm)
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_____ ________ / /_____________/ /______ / / / / _____/ / / / / / ____/ / ____/ ___ / / / /____ /_____ /____ / / /___/ / / / / / / _______/___________/______/______/_______/______/___________________________ Paintbox (c)omposed by JosSs of "Mystical Trackers Dimension" 100% Tracked 02/Nov/2001 in Madrid -SPAIN- using FT209 Fully dedicated to all MTD Members See instruments info 4 greetings! ____________________________________________________________________________ (c) Mystical Trackers Dimension 2001 (c) MTD are BasilWar, Vargard and JosSs
- PaintBox - (c)omposed by - JosSs - of M T D - Mystical Trackers Dimension - ______________________ This is only a super short techno song dedicated to the other members of MTD - Rik "Vargard" - and - Vasiliy "BasilWaR - ______________________ Thanx a lot 4 your patience... This is my first finished tune in weeks! 100% Released 2/Nov/01 ______________________ - Greatest Greetings - Basilwar&Vargard ;) Anders&Lisa, Norfair Peter Salomonsen, PPH Ljubo, ChildOfLillith Thigco, SquirrelHavoc Topz, MisterX, Guidora Thorn, Bart, BloodGod AndersNorin, Bize MichaelLewis,TGSoft LouigiVerona, Daedalus MarkoLazarevic, Aezay Alexander"Glofi" Warhawk, Alzheimer DjXian, Eau et Feu;) Atlantis, Methanol Y tambien para... Wizard, Trace, Hissam Snaked, James"RaveOn" DavidVega, Trilogic y a toda la gente que entiende esto ______________________ - Look 4 my music at - ______________________ Feel free to contact m ICQ: 126922412 -- JosSs Was Here -- PaintBox by JosSs of - Mystical Trackers Dimension -
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