Damaged (ion_dmg.it)
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Damaged ========================================================== Time: 2:51 Tracker: Blue Ion Time needed: ~20 hours Samples: 10 Instruments: 11 Format: Impulse Tracker 2 Channels: 12 Program: Modplug Tracker Tempo: 125 Speed: 12 Finishing Date: 12/8/2003 My first atempt of using DirectX effects (the echo...) which turned out quite god. Careful with bass expansion. A player that supports stereo samples and DirectX effects needed. Modplug reccomended. By the way, if you loop the song without reseting it you'll hear something extra. Gonzalo Armada neogcar_hotmail.com
Piano reverb Misterio Violonchelo Drum Metal HH Sint... H abierto Cuerda (estereo) H abierto / FX espacial Unnamed Patch Cello Drum Metal untitled untitled StereoString untitled untitled
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Like all of Blue Ion's work, you get a sense of dark enjoyment from it atleast. The techniques used in this piece transport you to another realm, let alone world.