Heavens of Starscape (hostars.xm)
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Heavens Of Starscapes Created by Sauron of APOTHEOSIS for The Realm of The Watcher (c) 1998 Renaissance Music/Omega Production This mod may be freely distributed and to be used in homepages as desired, as long as credit is due given. For anyone who wishes to remake, remix (to a certain extent!) and other assorted shit, please contact first: reanaissance _hotmail.com and make sure you send the end product later. Thanx: Trax in Space, The MOD Archive, and anyone who's hosting this Mod and any of my other creations and Amiga for making trackers possible. The Mod will be updated in due time, so watch out for it. Keep Tracking Alive Salaam, -S
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Id wish it would have been a lot longer than only 130 as the theme is really good. You only begin to enjoy it, when it suddenly ends. The most part of it you hear only the choir and believe me, you want get bored of it. Then the orchestra flashes and fades after just some seconds. I dont know how about you, but it reminded me Enigma. Absolutely great choir part great technique and great samples. Orchestra part is well done too, though Ive noticed a disharmony in one little place but I maybe wrong and you wont even notice it. So, if you like orchestral music its one you may want to have in your collection.