I'VE GOT YOU-Lethal Dose 50 (ivegot.s3m)
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-I'veGotyoU---------------- Written,performed,and sonic progamming by Lethal Dose 50 <John Monette> at the Psi-Morgue,Phila.,PA. (C)&(P)1999 JOHN MONETTE under G-NETIK PRODUCTIOONS. All rights reserved. Special thanks to Ru,MM, Lords of Sound,Msn Midi Forum,Shirley,Doug,and Fans =========================== Any comments E-mail at: GEMINI_21_msn.com or kungfubunny82_hotmail.com --------------------------- Visit the Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/ ~NEUROMANCER_X/index.html --------------------------- G-NETIK PRODUCTIONS 1999
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This song opens as though it could become very annoying, with a scut of "I've Got You" vocoded samples and a stereotypical Industrial drumbeat... Then, it breaks out and becomes an amazingly musical piece. Acoustic samples to set the main bass progression are mixed with synthed samples that send an interesting treble line running through. This is close to a minimalistic industrial piece, though... Don't expect any power-chords or mind-blowing BPMs here. Less is more, however. The song is subtle, and it sounds incredibly good for its eclectic background. For a Scream Tracker module, this piece is incredibly sophisticated. Effects fill the screen more than the notes do, and panning is played as best as could be anticipated in the format. I would have sworn that more flanged vocoder samples were used, but the author has squeezed an incredible usage out of three vocoded samples. Panning is set extreme left and right on alternating channels, but it's compensated through sample choice and volume, and the song is really very well done. If you enjoy the quieter, more sinister side of Industrial, this piece is a must-have, especially at its tiny file size.