[The Holy Soil] (djdd18.it)
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[THE HOLY SOIL] MADE BY=DJ DD. (C)omposed in 11.09.99 at 22:45 pm. Playing Time=0:07:30 hours. STYLE=Melodical Trance/Techno. Building Time=A truly long time. BPM=153. SPD=A05. Instruments=14. Playback=Impulse Tracker or other that ya want. Song Number=My 18th song. DJDD= DJ DEATH DEMON. EMAIL=DJ_DD_HOTMAIL.COM. -This song is my dedication to our lord. Without our lord, I dunno where I would be, what I would have done by now. The greatest love and honor to your son ,who died for our sins and awaked at the 3rd day to watch the world from his fathers side. Well, I just thought that I could make at least one song conserning our Lord, God. I will make much more songs...About Our Lord. The greatest HoNour and FaiTh To GoD. Hope ya like this song. And...see ya in my next song. Keep Trackin'! Bye.
For viewing the info of this song, please press [SHIFT+F9]. _________________________ _________________________ ||||||||||____||||||||||| ||||||||________||||||||| K602.Offbeat.v1. K602.Snareb.Looped.v1. K602.Symbal.Med.v1. K602.Miles.Piano.v1.
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