[Trance Vibes] (djdd1.it)
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[TRANCE VIBES] MADE BY=DJ DD. (C)omposed in 08.07.99 at 17:41 pm. Playing Time=0:07:17 hours. STYLE=Check da name, mon. Building Time=Long time...? BPM=162. SPD=A06. Song Number=My 10th song. DJDD= DJ DEATH DEMON. EMAIL=DJ_DD_Hotmail.com -My first intension was to build a song that represented the Trance-style, but then I desided to combine some Techno into it. The meaning of this song is to make the listener (you) to relax and forget the rush/troubles that may surround you. This song will give some hope in your life if needed. I believe that faith in god is all you need. My opinion about this song of mine...I really like this song. It's relaxing/soft (said by a friend). Anyway, enjoy the song. See ya in my next song. Bye.
For viewing the info of this song, please press [SHIFT+F9]. _________________________ _________________________ ||||||||||____||||||||||| ||||||||________||||||||| K602.Age.Strings.v1. K602.Melody.Piano.v1. [TRANCE VIBES] K602.Snare.v2. K602.Cymbal.Med.v2. -)DJDD(- K602.Rise.Snareb.v1
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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