HybridX - MoonLight (hyb-moon.xm)
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Written By HybridX MoonLighting Theme Anyone can chat to me on the following dalnet IRC channels #hackerschannl #2600 #hackers and on this server. ircnet.demon.co.uk #midifiles #phuk #midi #trax (p) 1998 website hybridx.home.ml.org Created Using FastTracker II (Paisley - Scotland) Elec. pianoa2 pianoc1 pianoc2 pianoc5 pianoc4 C3ACGPNO.WAV O5STRNG1.WAV bellbfh bellbfl NYLON2.WAV Horns 0 Horns 0 Bass Snare Tom Closed hi-hat Open hi-hat
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This one has that perfect "Leisure Suit Larry" feel to it. It's great! Appropriately choppy string chords, a mixed melody of guitar, piano, and trumpets, good bass line, and a building percussion line. What more could you ask for? Individual musical elements fade in and out to great effect, yet nothing seems to dominate. The alternating major-minor chords provide that jostling happy-yet-sad feel essential to this type of music. Everything builds into a dramatic ending.