Lost In Your Eyes (LOST.XM)
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L o s t in your eyes --- -- - -- - - -- Composed by Elektro for the multi channel module competition at ASSEMBLY '95! Playing time: 3'07 [-+= ' LYRiCS ' =+-] Deep in the sky, diving in the azure ocean. For the only reason why - my love to you, d e v o t i o n. . . . Hooked to your fragrance, lost in your eyes. You have found an entrance to where my heart lies. . . . [=+- CREDitS -+=] sPEECH SAMPLEs elektro pERCUSSIONs prism & elektro dRUM LOOp elektro iNSTRUMENTs lzk, prism & elektro For greetings and lots of other interesting stuff, read the file EL-LOST.TXT! e l e k t r o + A Handle With Care + low budget tunes since ! 1991 ! c o n t a c t m e Timo Laitinen Pajupurontie 772 b 43100 SAARIJARVI Finland, Europe COPYRIGHT LICENSE This module is not freeware. You may copy it for non-commercial use. No payment of any kind may be charged for the module without my authorization and official written license. Commercial use is strictly prohibited! The module may not be altered or modified without the permission of the author! I'm not responsible for consequences of using this module. See EL-LOST.TXT for the whole copyright license! (C) 1995 Elektro/CNA! prism/strings prism/strings2 lzk/hollowstring prism/strings3 elektro/spacebase prism/spacesnare prism/spacetom prism/spacehihat prism/spaceplate elektro/hihat prism/synth prism/orchestra elektro/voice1 elektro/voice2 elektro/voice3 elektro/voice4 elektro/ambient-4 vic/relax prism/synthbrass elektro/kn400-panflute elektro/cute-tom lzk/highoct-synth elektro/crash2 elektro/rippedboom elektro/4R-beat
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Great leads. That's the first thought that struck me, then there's this horrible 666 voice talking. The leads are excellent and colourful through the song, but they are a bit unfocused. The song doesn't take off the way it should and thus never really caught my attention. Great samples used, the voices especially sound very cool. But as I mentioned, the song should have a more firm beat entering along the way, otherwise it gets boring even though the great lead.