Friday13:th LuckyDay (LUCKY.XM)
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Friday13th Lucky Day Composed by sMiLeY Time: 00:05:40 (c) Oct 1996 sMiLeY Please E-mail me your comments to or to nike_sweden_hotmail .com This tune is dedicated to my lovely girlfriend Annelie R J I started to compose this song friday 13:th and later that night we found eachothers souls :-) I'm known as Dr_Pepper at IRC Underground and as sMiLeY at Virtual Irish Pub Instruments taken from diffrent songs...... Greetings to: Radix (Icing is great) and to some old musicans from amiga: Mahoney And Kaktus Bit Arts Jogeir Liljedahl and so on And finally a greet to Nicolas Frank for his work with "Mods Anthology" It's great!!!!!!!!!!!!
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This song has lots of potential. First half is a slow ballad and the second half is little faster,but still remains in the edge of pop and ballad. You can almost hear from this song the artists feelings at the moment when he was composing this one... Sounds real nice, but something should be done for technical side. Nice song anyway.=) Ok. The effects were used very little, samples sound like from very old amiga module, guitar vibras sounded little funny and the ending and middlepart seem little unfinished. But as I said - the actual song sounds good. Another version with little better samples and fixed ending and I want to hear it right away.=)