Goat power (k_goatp.xm)
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Composed & Arranged by Andromeda of kfmf & noice (Morgan Norrestam) This is the 16bit version of the intro music used in noice TG98 demo "Goatique" Somewhat edited and retracked. All this done by request. Noice - the power of a goat. email: andromeda_kosmic.org check this out: www.kosmic.org www.noice.org (c) 1998 Andromeda of Kosmic Free Music Foundation. Strings Booom Kettle Drum Military Marsch Snare1 Military Marsch Snare2 Sweesch Medival Scream Hard Piano (radix) from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune from a kfmf tune
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This song is an intro music composed for a demo in TG98. It starts smoothly and powerful with some strings and whirvel-drums, then after a while a flute starts. The song ends after nearly two minutes. We are sure that this song fit its purpose, but not good for just listening to the song without the whole demo. The samples are few and allright. The drums are well-made and the flutes has some great vibrato effects. Other great effects are also used in this song, and the composer has done a great job (as usual).