lack.xm (lack.xm)
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By noceur -99 Click808.wav Cowbel~1.wav Hat.wav Hat808.wav Organ.wav Ridepi~1.wav Sinewave.wav Snare808.wav Filter~1.wav Syndru~1.wav String~1.wav Panflu~1.wav Blood.mod Filter~1.wav Filter~1.wav
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Noceur is propably mostly composing chiptunes and if you look at his artistpage you can see that he has been quite good according to the ratings. This one is also very near chip-genre, but it has something that separates it from it. Cannot really tell, what it is, but you can download this and tell it to me then.=) This one starts with filtered bassdrums that sound like those "lazerkicks" that appeared in many Amiga modules. Some percussions come along too and a soft synth in the background plays its role. Then everything remains pretty same till the end,but the maininstruments vary from clear "westbam"-synth to low strings. When the song has passed over the halfline, it actually starts from the beginning. The same patterns are played again almost in the same order. I have wondered some time that maybe this song is something experimental? It sounds a bit like it. It has no real melody or chorus and it is a different from normal songs. This one for example has no steady bassdrum at all and...I don't know. Everything just sounds funny.The song is also untitled and it always makes me think that the song wasn't any major project. I got bored to those lazerkicks and hihats, but I loved the strings and organs that unfortunately have just a minor role in this song. I'm sure that some people might love this. I find it too hard to open and listen. But eventually it ain't a bad song. I just think it is weird.=) Try it. Only 90 k's.=) Samples were good. Those were a bit unusual and the selection sounded...well - different.Almost every sample was 16-bit so the music sounds pretty clean. The tracking was quite simple, but some points there was some very nice ideas. I especially enjoyed the maininstruments. In the middle of the synth/chip song you can hear some organs and strings. Wonderful. Effects weren't used that much. Nothing special to mention about this song. It is in the downloaders hands that how this song works. Check.