ladadee remix (ladadee.mod)
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ladadee ladada la da rap 1 la da rap 2 as she stands there.. singing for money but shes homeless shes homeless money please organ 1 organ 2 organ 3 organ 4 organ 5 organ 6 bassdrum3 PopSnare2 HiHat2 hi open DxTom shake 0
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In the 80's there was this time when Powermixes and BeatBoxMixes were playing everywhere. This song represents that kind of style on its worst (once again). In the beginning there are these bothering DX-Toms, then comes the most annoying organs and the piece is crowned by awful vocals (ladadee etc). If this would last say 2 minutes it would be ok,but now it lasts for 5.40 and it is so god damn repetitive.Yuck! Vocals are annoying but sound pretty clean, samples are overall ok, but use of them is awful and unimaginative. Effects aren't used a lot and...well. I guess that is pretty much it. I don't recommend this to anyone.