more than meets the mind (k_mind.s3m)
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Posted by Ryan Avery on Wed 25th Nov 1998, rated 5 / 10.
The opening background tones were very well done. However, the piece falls short once the actual tune starts up. This tune neither makes me want to dance, nor does invoke a state of trance, but it is still trancy dance. However, I will say that it does have a lot of possibilities as a tune. As it stands now, however, this piece falls short. The drum track is my main concern. The main drum loop is very unoriginal, for it is simply straight dance style (boom chuck). The intros into other patterns are also unoriginal, and are sometimes very annoying when they are done too fast. Some of the samples were very good, and they were used well. They did not make up for what this piece lacked, however.
The opening background tones were very well done. However, the piece falls short once the actual tune starts up. This tune neither makes me want to dance, nor does invoke a state of trance, but it is still trancy dance. However, I will say that it does have a lot of possibilities as a tune. As it stands now, however, this piece falls short. The drum track is my main concern. The main drum loop is very unoriginal, for it is simply straight dance style (boom chuck). The intros into other patterns are also unoriginal, and are sometimes very annoying when they are done too fast. Some of the samples were very good, and they were used well. They did not make up for what this piece lacked, however.
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_ chuck biscuits ^ kosmic _ .. more than meets the mind .. oblique strategies mix returning with something a little more trancy, here's a harder remix of one of my unreleased tracks from late 1994. unreleased? yes! becuz the original sucked! waveforms from: ob-xa,jd800 waldorf microwave,proteus, x0x boxes,basstation... samples from: AndrewM, SW's D50 DigitalNativeDance lib, Sam Eassa's Proteus library The snareroll is similar to that of a track on Platipus records - email me if you can name the track in question! hellos: AM, SH, bh, ceedee, khyron, vivid, draggy, zapper, bens, noelb, etc. email: (c) copyright oct 1995; chuck biscuits (aka a.fort) all rights reserved; rip the samples if you like,but credit me for samples # 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 12, 14 cb.77.k5
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
It's not the best, but I think this track has that intangible something that puts it ahead of the pack. There are a number of holes you could pick in the technique, and while the samples are better than many, they're not the best. I feel if the artist revisited it he/she could do a significantly better job. In spite of all that there's enough creativity and variety here to sustain a longish track (5m45) without being boring. 7.