Army Of Immortals (ka-mmrtl.xm)
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Church Choir drums electric electric electric electric bass choir synth march march march horn Composed by Katana Thanks to everyone whose samples and instruments I use... War drums from Everlasting War by Andromeda.And the others...Don't know... Katana was formerly known as Beginner. FeedBack at katana_tracker_hotmail .com Choir-3 Choir-4 Choir-5 Choir-6 Choir-7 Choir-8 Sample: Cadaver #D #E
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Much like the other recent song by Katana I reviewed (Twilight Mazes), this one started off showing some promise, but fell apart a few moments later. In this case, it was when the orchestral part ended and the rock part kicked in. I found it very hard to continue listening to this one, as it offered nothing interesting, and was annoying to my ears. I wonder why Katana didn't just work on the theme he had at the introduction? While that could have used some polishing, it would have been much better than the rock part that took control after a minute had passed. The piano is HORRIBLY out of tune. And I mean horribly, to the point of making the song almost unlistenable. Like Twilight Mazes, this one suffers from what appears to be poorly planned patterns. At times it seems that there's no real direction the song's headed in - just a bunch of garbled, halway-tuned notes playing.