Hypnotized by her love (hypno-66.it)
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úCopyWRONG!ùù------======ðððððð******é******ðððððð======------ùùùùùùúúúú1ú ú úùú SQUAREúCIRCLEúCORP.úPRESENTS: úúùù--==ðð*ðð==--ùùúú úùú ú a 27-track (53 ITchannels) úù-ùú ImpulseúTrackerú2.14úcompressedútranceyúsong úúùù-=-ùùúú úùú ú H y p n o t i z e d úb y h e r l o v e úúúúùùùù----====ðððð*ðððð====----ùùùùúúúú úù-ùú (or "Obsessive compulsion") úúùù-=-ùùúú ú ùArranged/sequenced by: úúù-ùúú P‚te D d'Warph ú (A man with no place in this world) úúúùùù---===*===---ùùùúúú Song dedicated to Amalia. ú úùú THIS SONG IS MENT TO BE HEARD AT LOW VOLUME ! ú Play time: approx. 04:16 min. at 4/118 bpm. Playback (with Impulse Tracker v2.14) enjoyable even forever looped! úù-=*=-ùú ú úintroùendùùù------======ðððððð******é******ðððððð======------ùùùùùùPgDnú _CREDITS________________________________________________________________2_ ú This piece was inspired by The Dream Team's 1993 "World domination", (or was it really called "world damnation"? ;) a 4-track "Amiga-type" MOD song. ú ú ú ù ú ù | ù ... On a tangent angle. \ú³ú/ ú\º/ú úúúùùù---ÍÍ=*=ÍÍ---ùùùúúú ú/º\ú /ú³ú\ ù | ù ú ù ú Poem found on dead man'súbody! (Early Jan. 2000;) ú ÄÄÍÄÄ Un cvasi-bioritm muzical, o armonie multi-dimensional , ...Œn plin tatea existentei! ' Œn nimic n-am pus mai mult pasiune ca-n tine, Ama! ...Totusi, pentru tine nu a fost de-ajuns - ai fi preferat s am multi bani! úù-ùú ' Spune-mi c vei fi al meu, pentru toat viata, ...si-ai s dormi cu mine doar, pentru toat viata. ' ' (Limba romƒn e dulce foc!) úùú Äcredits endÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄPgDnÄ _POEM___________________________________________________________________5_ Vivamus atque amemus. (We live to love!) ú ú ù ù ú | ú ù ú³ú ù \ º / ú \×/ ú ú úúúùù--ÍÍØ*ØÍÍ--ùùúúú ú ú /×\ ú / º \ ù ú³ú ù ú | ú ù ù ú ú the light of life the light of truth the light of love the light of mind (An unique light is the inspiration for this song!) Äend of all commentsÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ EOFÄ
open high-hat hand ring-cymballs synth chord 1 synth chord 2 bass/effect 1 bass/effect 2 bass/effect 3 bass/effect 4 bass/effect 5 muffled base drum bridge perc. hit snare drum bello-piano 1 bello-piano 2 woosh (pan) effect kick & cymbal laser (pan) effects mellow pan flute echo-synth clean cymbal choir aahs second bass (gtr) dream bell 1 dream bell 2 ššššššššššššššššššššššššš I, Pete D. d'Warph, and this song, are dedicated to Amalia S. open hat (short) hand ring-cymballs synth chord 1 synth chord 2 bass/effect 1 bass/effect 2 bass/effect 3 bass/effect 4 base drum bass/effect 5 electri-tom & plate snare drum piano note sweesh-effect hat kick drum & plate laser shot mellow pan flute echo synth crash cymbal choir aaahs clean bass guitar dream bell! Please press Shift-F9 in ImpulseTracker for notes. Pete D d'Warfh pwn1_mail.com
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This song goes in waves and It have some real effective parts when you really can imagine the authors thoughts (this beeing dedicated to a girl and all) so hi score for nice but still pretty repetitive structure. Though! (im not happy to say this ....but) there are some mayor pitch falures mostely in the end of the tune and it does much much damage to the feeling thats evolved...im so sorry! :/ but those bas lines are not from this world. this mod uses 27 tracks and theres ALOT of effects added everywere it look really complicated and nice in modplugtracker to...but who can focus on all effects when theres small errors in two of the samples :/ sry i wich that this mod would be perfect pitched then it would be a 8.0 but now 6.0 is all i can afford...nice job anyways Pete D. d'Warph