Pässi ON TYHMÄ !!!!! (kaizsu_-_passi_on_tyhma.xm)
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Pässi-Alexi ON Vitun TYHMÄ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Composer: Kaizsu E-Mail: kaizsu(a)hotmail.com Homepage: www.aetsa.net/-kaizsu "-" is tilde !!!!!!!!! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 21.08.99
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What a weird way of beginning a song. The vocal samples just freaked me out throughout the song, but not in the good way. The vocals also did not make up for the lack of a decent melody - the main theme consists of a mere three tones, repeated over and over and over. It takes a lot more than that to make an interesting song. Axing the vocals would not break my heart - focusing on improving the overall melody and getting better sound out of this would be time far better spent. Audio quality on the vocal samples is terrible. Sometimes people intentionally distort vocal samples to get a unique kind of sound to them, but they usually don't sound like somebody was speaking too loudly into the microphone. The other samples are...DARE I SAY IT...the exact same ones that Kaizsu uses in every other song! Who woulda thunk it, huh? Also, no noticeable efforts went into stereo panning. Pretty loud, and the tracking style is very simplistic.