klefz ascii page! (kap.mod)
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composed by makt1 of: class and superstars. Made For Klefz - Asciipage. maktone_chipmusic.nu maktone_class101.com greets to: oxygener*omegatwo natan1*sparky*shine seffren*divones*klefz atm*sc0rp*lek*junkie dalezy*zalza*jellydog looman*loonie*slash-t reptile*mempheria*zec antibody*int19h*euler volantiz*horde*andrez whizzter*funnel*junior warhawk*mtc*dawn.
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I had a little time, so I thought I'd review this little chip tune. And it's a poorly done chip tune. It doesn't deliver a decent melody, and the lead sample chosen grates the ear. It's very short, so there's not a whole lot I can say about this. I'll just say that it doesn't work. Of all the samples the author could have chosen as a lead, it had to be the most annoying possible one. The lead just doesn't sound good to me. There's a few effects dispersed throughout this song, but not a whole lot to really add effect or make this song any better.