fat cat :) (kathy.xm)
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song by magnus the bass bombardier 3 4 5 ping! 7 8 bd1 bd6 hh hh2 snareshit hhback background organ snare snare5 bd guitback bass ching bd clasp clap acid bass chord cut clash break bd nobodiesinyourleague 1 Bigust~1.wav Fatass.wav Fatcat.wav Fatcat2.wav Juls.wav Kathy.wav Onyamel.wav Smellysh.wav Break13.iff Break13.iff Break7.iff Clap5.iff Acid!!.wav Generated with chord Corehop.669p Break8.iff Cc9_28.wav pm-synth.4
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Sometimes, I get tired of reviewing the seemingly endless number of chip songs that inhabit the "K" directory, and so I download a song that has a large file size so I can get a breath of fresh air with another style. But sometimes I download something like "Fat Cat" which makes me want to go back to the chip music. This song is worthless. It's a mixture of loud percussion samples and vocals and annoying synth effects. With vocals that say things like "biggus tittus maximus," you know that this can't be a particularly classy song, either. I can't really elaborate further on this song. Don't download it if you know what's good for you. There's no music in this song. To take a look at it technically, I'll start by talking about the samples. The vocal samples are a poor substitute for what should be something I can listen to. Particularly the extra long sample #2, which sounds terrible, and doesn't really add anything to the song aside from file size. This song seems to focus on just using volume to make its point, instead of carefully tracking out its melody. It's no better technically than it is musically, and that should say a lot.