King Dedede's Bashfest (kdl2dede.s3m)
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A08-2.WAV A32-4.WAV A79-2.WAV A98-3.WAV Bassline SH1-BS01.WAV ORCH C3MARMBA.WAV C31-3.WAV JJ2: Bdrum3 TR909Snare8.WAV JJ2: Closed Hi-Hat JJ2: Open Hi-Hat TR909ClosedHiHat9.WAV RSSC - Cymbol Crash 2 ------------------------- Kirby's Dream Land 2: King Dedede's Bashfest Originally by: HAL Enterprises This Module by: Joseph Tek Fox Assistence by: Bun ------------------------- The Fox Speaks: Douglas. This is an S3M I dedicate purely to you, and only you. This is my way of apologizing for the way I treated you about three weeks ago. I'm sorry... ------------------------- v1.0: March 15, 2002
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
I listened to it first in Impulse Tracker, and I immediately had to turn down the volume. This one just blares out. It's a typical transfusion of a game track, which means that it's fairly short and loops back to an earlier point. I can't say that I care for it, either. Too noisy. Like I said before, this one is loud. Way too loud, even. All the samples are played at the maximum volume, and they're not very high quality. Structure of patterns is very, very basic.