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The Good StuffSummary
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?.? ?.? rez.? ?.?.env1 ?.?.env2 qc6.SMP289.RAW ?.? yamaha pss170.sine ft2.sine Bd5.smp.filtered 16bit.909hihat10.xi yamaha pss170.sine ?.? ?.? ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen distance ?.? ?.? rez.? ?.?.env1 qc6.SMP289.RAW ?.? yamaha pss170.sine ft2.sine Bd5.smp.filtered 16bit.909hihat10.xi yamaha pss170.sine ?.? ?.? ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen ?.amen distance
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
This is what music's all about! The composer really has a sense of how to make a song that makes people interested, but still make it as soft techno, which sometimes could get quite repetative. This is a perfect "go-to-bed-song" and he makes it with such professionality when it comes to the structure of the harmonics that you almost forget what you're listening to, you just know there's something out there that reaches for you in the background. Every instrument has it's function. A professional use of the tremolo, especially in the first and the last part. Dimenuendos and creschendos match each other perfectly and makes the phrases float like a boat on a river...the beginning could use some improving though when it comes to the build-up.