"The Seasoned One" (kenjiryo.it)
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Piano (astrotek) *Synth Bass #1 kick *Guitar Cutting [FF7] Low Strings* ---------------------- Closed Hihat (Vanguard) Opened Hihat (Vanguard) To those who see their own samples here... Forgive me. I'm lazy... never got into making my own (how do you guys do it anyway!?) A tune by Winter a.k.a Alexander Mutegeki Kick (FF8) Korg - Gwilym Wogan [FF7] Low Strings* by me..:) Tracker Paradise Noisy Square (????)
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
The introduction of this song is less than compelling. Fortunately, it gets better after that. Throughout the tune, it manages to be very listenable, in spite of being somewhat overdriven. Good variety throughout. However, I do have problems with the way it ended. First off, the sudden shift in tempo and theme is incredibly awkward, and just doesn't work. Secondly, I hate, hate, hate it when the ending is just a fadeout (the only things worse than that being a looped song and no ending at all). And finally, the ending theme seems to have nothing to do whatsoever with the rest of the song, and just sounds bad. I was going to give the song a 7.5, but the ending dropped that down a point. The use of stereo panning for this song gives it a nice, full sound. Good use of channels throughout. The song sounds overdriven, the volume could stand to be lowered. Again, I couldn't stand the ending, and the transition was especially choppy. Samples sound decent.