PowerDrug -Lethal Dose 50 (ldpower.s3m)
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POWERDRUG by Lethal Dose 50 --------------------------- This track was written, composed,conceived by John Monette at the Vivisection, NJ in August 6th 1999. --------------------------- Side Projekts: -------------- Electro-Maggot Android Disruptor (with Symplex) Neurosequencer --------------------------- (C)1999 John Monette All rights reserved. This track may not be included on any compilation CD's,or published,and modify without my personal permission. --------------------------- Any comments or want to remix anything: E-mail: Kungfubunny82_hotmail.com or ICQ 421224 --------------------------- G-NETIK PRODUCTIONS 1999 --------------------------- Samples are from various sources. Hello to: Fans Jeff and the whole Msn Midi Forum Doug Sudia (symplex) Joe C. Mandy Pre-7 Shirley and those little voices in my head. --------------------------- Website: www.members.tripod.com/ ~NEUROMANCER_X/index.html or try www.members.tripod.com/ NEUROMANCER_X/index.html iTs So dArK DoWn HeRE
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