Left It All Behind(Smiff) (leftrmx.it)
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-> Left It All Behind... -> (Smiff Mix) -> By Alex Smith Once again, I fail to give a tune a good ... agh, I've done that one. It's sooo late. I know, I know. It's only 25 to midnight on a Friday night. I know certain people amongst you can stay up til 4am with no trouble (you know who you are ;->) but I'm going to conk out in roughly half an hour. I'd better get this done now. Hello to: Ah, just see the original version for the hellos. Hmm, is the bass bassy enough? I think it might be a bit too high. What do you reckon? Perhaps I should take the bass panning off...well that didn't make a difference! I'll bung it back on... Real time tweaking ladies and gentlemen! The tune towards the end is fairly cheesy, wouldn't you say? Ahh, I don't care. I can do what I want (thanks Princess ;-)! Oh yeah, Email: smiff_btinternet.com Webpg: http://www.btinternet.com/~smiff/ or http://come.to/alexs Doesn't make too much of a difference. If you use the come.to URL, you'll get the backdoor of the site, where you can close down the V3 pop-up window. I really suggest bookmarking the actual URL. That is, if you want. Also, if you do go to my site, please sign the guestbook. Their server crashed at the end of last year and wiped all the entries. At the moment, I only have 4! Agh! That's it! I'mm gonigf to bersdf i';m too tired to coreect the many typing errorsw I'm making, Seom of the errrosr dont'' ebenv make sense. I'm goijgt now! !FIN"45~_
-> Left It All Behind... -> (Smiff Mix) -> By Alex Smith See Comments. Again. String Dj Owl String Dj Owl Halo pad Pulse Bass Dj Owl Bass Drum CyberZip Tambourine MellowD Snare ? Click 2 Cactus Closed Hat CyberZip Open Hihat ? Snare CyberZip Cymbal ? Hi hat CyberZip Plonk Stereoman Clap ? Beep Dj Larry Shaker ? Snare CyberZip Kick 5 VB Open Hi Hat 1 VB Open Hi Hat 2 VB Guitar ? Strings Glejs Pizzicato G-Day -> Left It All Behind... -> (Smiff Mix) -> By Alex Smith (C) 2000 Alex Smith
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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