Rebirth of the Legend (legend2.s3m)
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By Messiah and C.P.I. of ASMiNC Any of these samples sound familiar? They ought to... I sure wish Ryan would would put some text on top of them... This song was by Purple Motion? no wait... Necros? no, wait... Skaven? no... Basehead? Zodiak? C.C. Catch? Leviathan? Ah... now I get it... It just has their samples... think. Someone help me out here.... --------------------------- I may just do that one of these days, PK... And to Phil, just shut up. I can't afford anything lik a sampler, so shut up. If I knew anything about it yeah, I probably WOULD write an IT file in 16-bits Rebirth of the Legend By Messiah and C.P.I. ------------------------- ------------------------- what are you, some kind o moron!? get your ass out here!
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