Killerbeats - techmi (kill_beat.xm)
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**KiLlErBeAtS** --highTechmix-- --Peter white-- Hard core beats hard core soundz -(c)-PW-2003-(c)- Goa spell |traps mac's piq piq Beat9 killer pw cpy 03
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This is not music for listening. I have listened to it twice already, and really don't like the sound of it at all. Is it well tracked? Sure. But I don't really see the appeal of listening to the same techno sounds repeat over and over and over for five minutes. This could work as something played at a rave, but it's not something I would sit down and listen to. It is heavy on the percussion, with trance-like chords playing every now and then, as well as an electronic sequence achieved through use of instrument one. But that's really all there is to it - and it's repeated endlessly. Well tracked, but I didn't enjoy the music. This song deserves some good technical marks, even if I didn't like the music. Good mix of samples, none of them overpowered the others. The author knows how to get the sound he's looking for out of his samples. I was a little disappointed that sequences were used, as opposed to being tracked out, but they did add to the overall sound. No stereo panning used at all. I certainly don't expect a panning envelope or effect on every single row of the song, but having some stereo effects could enhance the sound - songs in mono have little depth to them.