Kirppusirkus (
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By. Reaper
OrchestraHit Halo Pad Ice Rain Brightness Kalimba Bass Drum 1 (Power) Acoustic Snare (Power) Vibraslap (Power) Tambourine (Power) Claves (Power) Jingle Bell (Power) Church Org.3 OrchestraHit Halo Pad Halo Pad Halo Pad Ice Rain Ice Rain Soundtrack Soundtrack Brightness Brightness Kalimba Kalimba Gt.FretNoise Power Power Power Power Power Power Mandolin Mandolin Mandolin Mandolin Mandolin Mandolin Church Org.3 Church Org.3 Church Org.3 Church Org.3
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Kirppusirkus is a good song, with a fairly nice melody, but a couple of issues I had with it brought the score down. Overall, this song is a pretty good listen. The tune seems very well constructed, and it all makes sense musically. It's not very long (only about 150 seconds), but what's there is interesting to listen to, to say the least. And it never bored me by becoming excessively repetetive, an acchiles heel in many mods. The technical front is where we start to see a few issues - particularly, I disagree with the use of the note cut on the organ. There is a volume envelope just waiting to be used - and it is used, but only with an NNA. When stopping the organ completely, the author used a note cut, which just sounds awkward. Also, at the end of the song, one of the samples is still playing, albeit faintly, and needs to be silenced. Otherwise, this song is very solid in the technical area. My original score for this song was 7.0, but the issues I mentioned brought it down a notch.