Let's Fly (letsfly.it)
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fly fly fly & never back ------------------------ http://www.angelfire.com/tx/djsoft/ But nothing yet in da page joselira_hotmail.com
By joselira aKa djlira on 12.03.99 send me your comments joselira_hotmail.com with my sample "let's fly" Hope u like it 4dt&creW Trackers ruleZ ! See ya!
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Begins with some some strings and a beepy sample then speeds up when a hihat enters. The overall is this beepy sound that carries through the whole thing. Kind of cirus like in sound texture. It's very repetative but short (better than 6 minutes of beeping). A vocal of "Lets fly" is a good touch while the breakbeat in it brings it closer to an (almost) intermediate level.