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The Good StuffSummary
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Composed by Marshall Stern 7/4/98
pianostacc Cello nervous Violins N Bass splash Crash Pizzi ntitled Cello Draw Smallhit asic DemoSample-Pack ntitled ntitled ntitled
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Awfull!! You can't stand the music. It really sucs. Melody is quite horrible and nothing sounds nice. The rythm and the melody sounds like some kinda national song.. All the samples are aeful and quite louzy. Especially the violin and the cello.. Samples are damn low-quality. You don't want to hear this. Violin and the cello sound like midi-samplses taken from an old soundcard. Piano is quite good.. but melody sucks. The background orch (violin, cello and other crap) isn't good at all.. It doesn't have strenght when it tries to cheer up the beat. Samples don't blend together so good but not too bad also. The song would be quite good with good samples and bit more harmonious sounds.