AG -R.I.P. MY SISTER (life-mpt.xm)
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Beyond Life was created by:... Space Walk (Arash Ghods) of UltraPhonics. Duration: 4 min 25 sec. Style : Ambient/Dream/Atmospheric. Composed: 2000,02-12. Original: Kiana by: Space Walk. This mix: Beyond Life by: Space Walk. To contact composer write to: -OR- Thank you for downloading our music. Greetings to: Karmann, Trente Trios, Bugster, TranceMax, TanTo Hashi, LSD, Ashe Space, Ardis, Error 404, Genosha, Squid 303, Psylent Buddhi, Ergo, Kiana, XTC, 1024, Azo, Josrph H, Project-X, Alien Zoul, Audio Tronix, TiS, UT, AP, Ray, Strom Lord, Simon Postford, H.Fard, DoubleU*Multimedia, MTM Software, T-Studios, Sibil, DJ Koolpat, TFV, Dead Style, Ralih, Trixal, AlteredS, Fribb, J morel, S-Trance, Whk, Gary H., Synthergate, XereX, Aqunic, MMT, TNT, Gooya, Shiraz, Skyme"BreakThru", Air Walk, Electron, Acid Jesus, Spiral Trax, Masoud, Marzie, My beautiful lady "Nilgon Amanda", Comet, Royal Ass, Simon Jolo, Zigzag, Zylo, Fran=E, Massimo Gaggero, Turbo music, Goa Head, BaseHead, Total XXX, Parspolis, Atena, Acid color, Ziba, YtY, Red Smiley, Dance2Trance, Mozambiq, CoG, ........ and if I forgot any others please 4give me the list is long and my mind corrupted =)
---------------------- Space Walk ( Arash Ghods ) of ... UltraPhonics ---------------------- ---------------------- Presents R.I.P MY SISTER date: 2000,02,12 duration: 00,04,25 ---------------------- --------------------- E-mail: arash.ghods_boras.mail -OR- space_walk_musician .org ---------------------- ---------------------- The music you're listening to is dedicated to my Sister who belongs to heaven now may her soul R.I.P. ---------------------- ---------------------- If that driver wasn't drunk she would be still alive But now all I can do is to SALUT her soul and live with memories --------------------- ---------------------- Greetings to: Every one that is or has been a part of my life... Special Thanx to ---------------------- ---------------------- Karmann (Da beautiful grandma) TanTo Hashi ( Hope you're happy) Nilgon (4 being a part of me) ---------------------- ---------------------- TeRRA (My inspiration) Awesome (For the samples) S-trance (For being so cool) ---------------------- ---------------------- T.F.V. (For the best studio) Ashe & Ardis (For being my blood) TiS and AP (4 space providing) ---------------------- Recorded at TFV studios/Sweden. An Arash.g music 2000 A TFV artworx 2000 thank you for downloading our music
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