~Life goes on~ (lifegoes.it)
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Claps Bass Hihat1 Snare Drum Crash Hihat2 Piano Piano2 ========================= ~Life Goes On~ composed by ⌂AQUALIFE⌂ ---======2001=====---- Finally my new track is ready. This was most difficult track to compose, but now after 3 days it's rea- dy. This is the best one what I have ever have composed so stand by there's more music coming up in future... If you want know latest news and more tracks that you can download, then visit> ----------------------- www.geocities.com/ aqualife85 ----------------------- I'd like thank all those people who like to lis- ten my music, thanx!!! don't hesitate to send email> aqualife_artic.net ========================= ⌂AQUALIFE⌂ 16-18.04.2001
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This song starts nicely with some pianos, it gets in some bass and drums and begins to build up. More piano gets in and everything sounds ok until about 1.20. Then again more piano comes in and the harmony starts to broke. Every note ain't in tune anymore and that can be heard. There are in one point 10(!) tracks filled with piano in one pattern so artist should be very careful here since with 2 different pianosamples it is hard to make everything sound good. Then again in 2.09 starts a second part. This time pianos sound better and there ain't so disturbing "out-of-tunes" moments anymore BUT... Again when there are many tracks and suddenly (for example) 3 tracks play C-5 note at the same time, it can be heard.=) So be careful on these things too. Theres also one thing that might bother some people. Patterns sometimes have "sudden" ending. There are couple seconds of silence and then the song starts again. This one should maybe noticed,since it is used pretty much. Then the good things. It is quite certain thing that Aqualife has some musical skills. The piano textures are very nice and there is pretty much variation too. Background ain't complex,but it works since the pianos are in lead. This song gets better the more you listen to it. Ok... Pianos should more since the scale that where its been used is pretty wide. It is hard to play many notes in one time without some sort of distortion in the sound. Drums can be selected better nect time. They're not bad, but sound a bit "old" to this kind of music. Bass was nice and for me it sounded very nice. Maybe including some strings to this one might sound good? Try it, but first reduce the amount of piano a bit, or change some pianos to strings? Overall this song is very good, but it still needs the final adjustings. If the pianos would be in tune and balanced, this would sound VERY good. Just some tracking Aqualife and you kick some ass.. :)