Lifetimes (lifetime.xm)
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Lifetimes c1998 The Nightstalker e-mail contacts: Roncli Productions: /~roncli Well, the results for this piece at Hornet's MC6 came back the same my review for "April Showers" came in on TiS. The score for that piece was 5/10, and the score for this piece at MC6 was 40-something out of 100. The two songs are of relatively the same style, maybe I'll stop writing pieces like this and go back to writing songs with lyrics, as I enjoy writing them as much as most people enjoy listening to them. Anyway, let's hope the review for this piece comes back in better shape. Soon to be released: "Jaded" - An emotional piece with an excellent guitar line. One of the finest works yet by The Nightstalker. "Already Past" - It's a lyrical duet! Don't miss this piece sung by The Nightstalker and Zola! Strings Piano 0 Piano 1 Piano 2 Piano 3 Piano 4 Slap Bass Power Snare Drum Closed Hi Hat Open Hi Hat Bass Drum Square Wave Wind Thunder Crash Cymbal
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The piano is what sets the mood excitment. Feels almost like one of those songs you'll hear introducing those old anime's (depending if you've seen the right ones). The strings were a bit high pitched (but maybe it needed to be to set that mood). Begins almost polka like. If you want something with a voyage kind of feel and a great piano track get this one.