Lk - Sudden Thoughts (lksudd.xm)
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Likuid Sudden Thoughts All vocals by me. Lyrics: Imagine you in a green field, you are walking alone, suddenly you realize all your thoughts are wrong, maybe you feel like a stupid now. Greets to: TheSuprem,Sergeeo, DrJacko, Magnesio, Jjaks, Herotyc, Dudo, Delapipol, Believer, T-Tracker, DMX, Yero, Ferreira, Xols, Dezer, Natalie, Risto Suomela and everyone who must be here, but I forget. Sorry!! Please forgive my poor english pronunciation, and low quality voice samples. Vanian UT / Thalion Maybe this mod is just a little boring but I really put a lot feelings on it. Enjoy! Anything you want to tell me: Or visit my TiS page: http://artists. .traxinspace. .com/likuid Thank you just for listen to me and read this stupid words.
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Deep. Original. A bit gloomy. Overall, a mentally and spiritually stimulating melody, capable of seducing your mind into a meditative state. The contradiction of the flowing synths and the energetic drums somehow unite into ear candy. Beware of being tempted to fall asleep! On the critical side, the theme of the lyrics (spoken by the artist) doesn't really seem to match the melody theme. It's confusing... The only flaw is in the voice sample. It's muffled quality disorients you. The rest of the instruments sound nice and in sync. Effects add some spice to this melody.