tangerine fascination (m4v-fasc.it)
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Very fun feeling but the main melody seems to hide behind the bass and beat a little. Also the music begins to develop a to much of a pattern in the melody, but the it seems to not be as annoying as some songs I've heard. The best part is the way the music seems to flow from section to section and keep the same mood. I would love to give him a better rating since his samples are very nice but some seem a little out of place. Not enough to really great one your nerves but leave an annoying buzz that seems to say, "Now thats NOT where that belongs, is it?" Even still the first bass chord was execellent enough to get my attention the minute the song started.
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A funky and optimistic mod, makes me think of a stroll on warm, sunny day. I also like the mood change on pattern 54, and the chord progressions overall.