Little Midnight Song (lms.xm)
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"Little Midnight Song" by Cooth 2002 This is a one sample song. The sample itself takes actually less than 1 kb space. What's funny about it, it was originally one of metal guitar samples I downloaded from Wave World. The file was corrupted and it gave just an ugly "tzik" sound. But there was a part of a sinusoid, so I looped it and made this song. Well, ispiration can come in strange circumstances... :-)
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This is a beautiful composition, which approaches a single sample situation from a strictly melodic point of view and instead of using tricks to make something out of it, presents us with a very contained and meaningful musical piece.
I am not competent enough to judge the tune from a music theory perspective, but to give several general stokes: the piece is variable and is not stuck in a loop, instead we have an intro and a great build up into a dynamic, fast paced part. Cooth's use of volume and tempo changes strictly serve melodic purposes, and he is able to weave an enchanting texture with just several notes.
I also like the fact that the tune is not predictable and is always more original than your expectations. Excellent work from an unconventional composer.
I would be interested to see if more could be done with the premise if other instruments are added and a decision to further develop the theme is taken.