I will make u dance (m_iwmud.xm)
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This song is made by: ( : Dj MoonRaver : ) (A proud TGP member) * * * * ***** My Homepage: surf.to/moonraver My Email: email_starplace.com My UIN: 11981146 TGP Homepage: listen.to/tgp Greetings goes out too this time I will try to write u all down :) ******************** Opinash, WilloW, MiND PerZZon, TNTraKKer, ORiON, Dr Jam, RobGee Nicotine, Sculptor, All TGP members, Odega, Analouge, XcerX, X-Gene, Marky Damien, Dr Q-Cumber, Param, RED_BULL, unit, zETa, Firedragon ChaosMaster, Sublunar, SonicFlash, Den-Crew Ther..I think I got all there..if I didn't just send me a mail =) 05-ms2~1.wav Real1.wav 909_kck.smp ff 808_hh.smp Smorphi.wav Dnb_23a.wav 60-piz~1.wav 03-ast~1.wav 74-tod~1.wav 29-hea~1.wav 39-mal~1.wav 40-met~1.wav Effec054.wav Effec065.wav Effec028.wav
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
There's really not much here. The first 1 minute is not that appealing to me (that's my opinion, however). The next minute, however, has some potential. It contains a nice phrase that is modified and extended with pleasing results. The ending of the piece (and the last section, as well) leaves much to be desired. The last section in in a major key (which is an interesting/odd contrast to the rest of the song in a minor key), and it simply fades out to the end from there. Not much worth mentioning. The drum track is a basic dance track with the same fill every other pattern. Certain sections of the song are left blank, and although it may be intentional, spoils the good bits of the piece. However, I do like the fact that the composer uses key modulations. However, they are haphazard in their placement, and have little to do with one another.