Loch Nes (lochnes.it)
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Loch Nes by Retro
square 1 (chans 1&2) square 2 1&2 square 3 1&2 square 4 1&2 triangle channel 3 noise channel 4 ? snare 5 tom 5 hey! 5 orchestra hit 5 fast rules: channels 1&2: squares exclusively. 16 levels of volume (0,4,8,12,16,20..64) channel 3: triangle exclusively. 2 levels of volume (note cut or 64) channel 4: noise exclusively. unsure about volumes. but do as you please channel 5: pcm stuff exlusively. 2 levels of volume (note cut or 64) general stuff: amiga pitch slides (not linear) no nna, no filters :P effects allowed: arpeggios, volume slides as long as they meet the volume rules, vibrato, fine vibrato, tempo, note delay, note cut, pattern loop, jump to row xx, pitch slides. vibrato+volume slide. and certainly others too stay away from stuff like retrig for exemple, and most newskool things
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Okish track, made entirely with NES sounds. With a good amount of digi samples.
Well, the melody didn't caught me particularly, even if the sounds are technically made pretty good.