computer game (mag_cg1.xm)
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by magnus dedicated to the modarchive... my only fans :) cheesy grins all around so what if im a bit of a dweeb st-77:pptoeten st-77:ppunddann st-77:ppdann st-77:pphm ST-77:PPBett st-77:pphier st-02:telephone st-77:Zap1 st-77:Bongo1 ST-77:Bassdrum3 ST-77:Cowbell1 st-77:PPKampf1 ST-77:snaredrum7 ST-77:snaredrum21 ST-77:ppwas ST-77:ppmord ST-77:ppwelcher break 1 2 string st-02:solobass ST-77:Bassdrum1 ST-77:Snaredrum9 st-77:highhat1 st-77:highop1 st-77:pptelefon Sample st-77:ppkala ST-77:PPSchrei1 st-77:ppha st-77:pptoeten st-77:ppunddann st-77:ppdann st-77:pphm ST-77:PPBett st-77:pphier st-02:telephone st-77:Zap1 st-77:Bongo1 ST-77:Bassdrum3 ST-77:Cowbell1 st-77:PPKampf1 ST-77:snaredrum7 ST-77:snaredrum21 ST-77:ppwas ST-77:ppmord ST-77:ppwelcher
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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