lostit.xm (lostit.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Andy's Holy Ground presents... Lost it! By Andy www.algonet.se/ -jkdgh/andy.htm jkdgh_algonet.se igiboo_imtoosexy.com Come visit Andy's Holy Ground! The mighty AHG!!! http://www.algonet.se/ (wave)jkdfg/andy.htm jkdgh_algonet.se so hours, this song c
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Just like the song right above this one on the list, Covert Operation, this song gets its name from the speech sample taken from Necros's Point of Departure. Musically this is kinda messy, but quite good even so. The arrangement is more convincing, I can hear that this song is very inspired from Point of Departure. The speech samples are overused. Sample quality is higher than usual .s3m standard, but not by much.