Lost Piano Kingdom (lostpk.xm)
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-=Vistitua Presents=- >-Lost Piano Kingdom-< 14th July '98 Run Time=4.29 Welcome to the dance sensation!!! haha :) This was created very very quickly, so sorry about the quick ending But Gday girlfriend to Valley, Legend + Honey Contact at: vistitua_geocities.com Enjoy.. <- Ciao 4 Now.. ..But Not 4 Ever -> quality! The song is i ______________________ Bb-lw-00.iff Zane:Hihat Open HIHAT.AMI MI _ keith303 claps5 Vioin3.smp Starbrgd.smp 303:Crash Revoluti sd1 Cymback.smp 303:Piano 4
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A nice dance melody here with the piano starring as the main instrument. Not bad, but still some way before this artist will reach the heights of Cyberzip and Orion. The beginning is very nice, but as it builds(and builds nicely) I miss the striking chords we so often hear in the best dance music. Nice arrangement, especially the beginning, builing slowly and becoming more advanced by every step. But instead of only slowly becoming more advanced, I'd like to hear it suddenly burst in to some real dance with good rhythm as this song is a bit slow for a dance song. Sample quality is good.