swingy brainwashing (magera2.xm)
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the only reason i called this song magera2 was so that that cool reviewer gets to rev. this song. Thanks for the kind remarks... you are about the only guy who likes my music I JUST HAD 15 OF MY SONGS DELETED ALL AT ONCE... how unfair is that? -MAGNUS you almost put me off tracking... but i figured thats what you probably wanted anyway so i will go on fighting my way through a sea of hypocracy this song is about how little kids are brainwashed into following jesus christ by being put into catholic schools at a young age. genre i never even knew i was formulating look at previous songs maceroni.xm, kcuf.xm, utfl.xm, utflr.xm - they are all stepping stones to this song which i can now name "thrash" you will hear many more thrash songs from me. they will evolve more... maybe others will take up the challenge too. wouldnt that be novel. let my samples blow your head off. "thrash" is what i call it it aint techno fukya 9cymb.smp ##remix#.smp Beat.smp Kingdom.wav Acid Vibes Sample Offbeat.wav NoName ST-01:animbass Zip.smp Pin1.smp warnung Sinehit.wav
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The song itself has quite a lot of skill obviously involved when it was being made, and it fits together quite well. All the concepts of music were used, but apparently they've been put together by a dyslexic cat. The entire song flows from one theme to another, but its generally quite irritating to listen too. Its fine for a hardcore techno fan, but otherwise don't go out of your way to get it. This is where the turning point for the review comes in. The song itself is almost anally retentive (sorry about that) but the way its put together is very well done. The entire song fits together quite nicely and many effects are used, if the author of the song is currently reading this then I'd have to point out that while your idea of a good song is slightly misguided, your skills in creating it are almost perfect. Well put together, but its content leaves a bit to be desired.