Magic Bytes. By Awesome VVL (magic.s3m)
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Posted by mq4 on Mon 25th Jun 2007, rated 3 / 10.
Starts out good, but continues with an instrument sounding like a badly tuned scottish pipe of some kind. The second part (after the terrible pipes) starts out after a decent breakdown. It is (the second part) much better than the first one, but it is totally different, and does not at all fit with with the first part.
This track consists of patterns randomly glued together, it seems, and that does not render a high rating.
Starts out good, but continues with an instrument sounding like a badly tuned scottish pipe of some kind. The second part (after the terrible pipes) starts out after a decent breakdown. It is (the second part) much better than the first one, but it is totally different, and does not at all fit with with the first part.
This track consists of patterns randomly glued together, it seems, and that does not render a high rating.
Posted by Saga Musix on Mon 25th Jun 2007, rated 10 / 10.
Excellent, upbeat techno! First, it's a slow tune, then it turns into a fast, bassy techno piece - The second part roxx :) Full speed!
Excellent, upbeat techno! First, it's a slow tune, then it turns into a fast, bassy techno piece - The second part roxx :) Full speed!
Posted by TMA Placeholder Account on Sat 20th May 2000, rated 6 / 10.
This techno song is very hard. My speakers boom with this, and some small parts of the song are something like weird, the rithm is very strange. Then, at the middle, it stops and runs again as if it were other song. And more weird parts. It doesn't have a fixed rithm or style, every second is different from last and that makes it difficult to publish it, songs often repeat rithms (varying them), but this is "chunk-by-chunk made" I expected more from Awesome, but the song was made in '96, and may be one of the firsts awesome composed. The start is very hard, and the final fade lacks of sample quality. Overall, samples lack of quality and are noisy. There aren't many effects and only a pair of fades.
This techno song is very hard. My speakers boom with this, and some small parts of the song are something like weird, the rithm is very strange. Then, at the middle, it stops and runs again as if it were other song. And more weird parts. It doesn't have a fixed rithm or style, every second is different from last and that makes it difficult to publish it, songs often repeat rithms (varying them), but this is "chunk-by-chunk made" I expected more from Awesome, but the song was made in '96, and may be one of the firsts awesome composed. The start is very hard, and the final fade lacks of sample quality. Overall, samples lack of quality and are noisy. There aren't many effects and only a pair of fades.
Internal Texts *
Magic Bytes. --------------------------- This is an original song by A · W · E · S · O · M · E (Victor Vergara Luján) --------------------------- If you like this song or you wanna contact with me, just call to my World HQ: *** BLASTERSOUND BBS *** +34-58-293-583 AWS WHQ Or write to my new address: C/ Montemayor 1, 5 Xirivella (Valencia) 46950 or call to: (96)359-67-44 Nothing else. I've made lots of S3Ms, XMs and I'm looking for a group. So... Greetings go to: Impresión | SMASH! | SEX SLAANESH | DRAGON | CROM | MITRA | SERGIO D.J. | AVE | DR. MAD | LE FESTY | INAD | LENAMME | RANDOM LOGIC | MIKEL | SPANISH LORDS | IGUANA | CRYSTAL SHADE | AND Guillermo Simmross W. and Víctor Barrientos Ros. and of course, all my love dedicated to Aurora Cano.
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
Starts out OK with a typical old school sound. The overall sound quality in the beginning is just so-so. Then the song seems to continue with few differences to the sound for 2 minutes when it starts changing, but only slightly. The tune keeps on going rather climaxless for another minute before it takes a turn into an upbeat sort of techno and the theme keeps changing.
It's unclear what the tune tries to achieve. It seems like a lot of average demostyle ideas put together loosely with little thought put on the overall sound. The song would have benefited a lot more on variation in the original theme and progression rather than starting over. The fact that the samples are pretty crappy in quality does not help either, especially not for the leads which sounds like a part of the chords. I'm disappointed.
// Eagle