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THIS IS A SUBLIMINAL MESSAGE. YOUR MIND BELONGS TO NEMESIS. YOU WILL SEND HIM ALL YOUR MONEY. HE IS NOT AN ALIEN IN DISGUISE, HE IS A NORMAL HUMAN BEING. soon we will come to take your planet, and then all that is yours will be ours. there are several more alien contacts on your world, and they are working under the facade of both a demogroup named cataclysm, and a highly talented music group going by the name analogue. you will obey their every wish. you will vote their songs and their demos first in competitions, so that others might become indoctrinated as well. in five seconds, you will exit this message and remember nothing of it, but when the time comes you will act. fare well, my faithful slave.
thumpy bassdrum mushy snare/clap bright snare standard snare (o)hihat (c)hihat crash cymbal tomtom strange synthbass orchestral rezbass sinebass orchestral hitbassthing reverse crash analogue synth weird lead flute bell+string chorale string section reverse discordant bell r re rez rezz rezzy discordant bell ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ strange dark ambience willed into existence by _nemesis(ccm/analogue)_ ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ samples assimilated from elwood(mostly),hunz,karl these people are not carbon based lifeforms: god,parity,trinel,nova, k8to,khyron,leviathan, cataclysm,analogue,xenoc, and of course mr.sonata construction himself, rimbo. press shift-f9 or be vaporized we would like to thank parity for providing us with inspirational music and style. massive black scales glimmered with the subtle twinkle of distant stars. the huge black creature peered down at the strange blue and white ball it held in its claws. it narrowed its huge fiery red eyes, and plucked something from the surface of the ball between two claws. its mouth twisted almost in a smile as it released the tiny thing, watching it flail about in the void helplessly. the beast opened its terrible maw, and engulfed the little organism handily, and I swore I could hear the faintest protests coming from the thing as it was swallowed. then as suddenly as it had arrived, the beast swept its wings back and rejoined the stars. /fin/
* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
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