Crimson Sky by Norg (n-crimso.xm)
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CRIMSON SKY 4:46 *by norg* member of the KU KLUB DICK home 24/10/1998 Greetings to:-KKD Redpenguin Deathmuffin Billy the Goat RavestorM Oblivion (new member) (possibly) TH. . Other:- Tis UT FMOHelltrot CMOHelltrot (with less enthusiasm) *many many more . An oddball song... Not much inspiration on this one - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I hope Billy the Good Goat gives me a high mark on this one. -Enjoy the pre-nuptial sauce- *what?* . Inspiration for name plagiarised from Shogun by J.Clavell. ********^^^^^^^ Song goes for...hmm... 4:46 (varies with diff erent programs). Sounds best in Modplug . Viva Billy the Good... no...GREAT Goat!!!!!!! Long live 10/10.yay. Yeah... . For more great trax go to the homepage of the KU KLUB DICK! YEH! . . Hmm...mmmm....mfhm.. . GOOD FUCK*er* i mean GOOD POO*er$% GOO . Buy Good Goo the album (I wish i knew what GG meant). Viva Tomato . . . . *smile
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Crimson Skies consists of three parts; the first is a nice piano tune, the second is a slow unspired bit and the third is a fast closing line. They're all pretty much unrelated, though, which presents a problem. Either way, the first part is the best. It takes a while to get started, but the piano melody is orchestrated well with the sweeps and the beat is pretty good as well. The second part is, as I said, uninspired; it sounds like the notes were just randomly selected. The third part was ok, rather ambient, nothing spectacular though. The first two parts of this song have a very amateuristic feel to them. The piano and sweep samples are low quality and there are very little effects used. However, there were *some* usage of instruments in the song, so I'll give Norg that much. The third part was quite cool, with the bassline being a randomly arpeggiated corrupt file (at least, that's how it sounded). Very creative.