CRYSTAL SPIRES (n-crysta.xm)
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CRYSTAL SPIRES by norg 03/06/1998 a KKD song Maybe its not long enough...but if that's a problem for you then listen to it twice. contact me at greetings to: david, tim, kieran, leam, james and the rest of our song-makin friends. oh yes...lets not forget tom. member of the KU KLUB DICK
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I thoroughly enjoyed Crystal Spires. It has a personality, an atmosphere - something few songs achieve. The feel of the song is dark and ominous, both in samples and in melody. The beat is pretty awesome - very thick and industrial. Only big problem is a lack of a decent melody in some places in the song. This song is arranged very well. The samples are all very well chosen with one exception - throughout most of the song there is a looped sample of a bird chirping that sounds really out of place compared to the rest of the song, which is dark and mysterious. Good use of panning envelopes and instruments. Overall a very nice effort.