Forbidden Music-Norg (n-forbid.xm)
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The Good StuffSummary
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Forbidden Music -Norg 29/05/1999 alf mach bee-zot *poot beiney squat boingfrot limboid zoinkle tiddle shazbut frizzlefrot slarty bartfast jox 'n flot-neefroid rombo. when the stars are aligned and the afro- people are in tune with the negative polar axis of Jupiter' s second moon then shall the giant sheep arise and thou shalt journey thyself thru the perilous internet to mine site: http:// There thall shalt writhe in ecstacy upon viewing the exquisite gfx and witty humour. e-mail me if you want to discuss any deep and troubling things in your life - or any- thing else? do you like this song? I picked it up off my experiments directory and dusted it off - finished it off. also is a tasty site but not qui te so tasty as place land. Don't eat ZoqFot's. they give you indigest ion. It's true! be a *silly camper and always *enjoy the sauce
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The song starts with a dreamy synth line and soon there are some good piano and synth melodies. The only thing that I didn't like so much was the drumming. The song is also quite short, but I think this still is one of Norg's better tunes. Some of the samples were scratchy, but otherwise technical side was very good. The speed changes were pretty unusual, and made the tune more creative. Also arrangement in this tune is great, and there are no tuning errors or anything. Effects were used well.