I'mInLoveWithYou (lovewi2.xm)
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**DJ THUMB-BOY** ***PRESENTS*** **I'M IN LOVE** *WITH YOU* Yup here's an okay tune... but, there's alot of my better stuf at my webpage: www.geocities.com/ colosseum/park/4138 length = 2:57 FMArtofBDrumm2 kick ---------------------: 06flutsg.med mjun-3 mjun-1 mjun-2 #ba55 / 5ilent5 For EGG music pack #1
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This hard-core techno song is repeting from the second you start playing it and, well I'm not sure but, I don't think there's any variation in it worth waiting for... Also there's this woman screaming 'I'm In Love With You' all the way... Well, at least he hasn't used as many loops as it might at first sound like... The arrangement is in fact not that bad. Using a snare as a musical instrument is bit silly tho... Recommended only for hard-core fans of the style!