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Lucent Int.: Shining Mix (n_int2.it)

Info Summary

  • n_int2.it is a IT format module. Uncompressed, it is 441.02KB in size and has been downloaded 2911 times since Mon 24th Aug 1998 :D

Info Info

  • Mod Archive ID: 49213
  • Downloads: 2911
  • Favourited: 0 times
  • MD5: 5fac2aec6e7923c5fa7d07dd62ff98e8
  • Format: IT
  • Channels: 24
  • Uncompressed Size: 441.02KB
  • Genre: Electronic - Dance

License License

artists Registered Artist(s):


Rating Ratings

  • Member Rating: rating (9 / 10)
  • Reviewer Rating: rating (Unrated)

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  • None, yet!

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Comments Your Comments

member Posted by The Nuke on Wed 2nd Dec 1998, rated 9 / 10.

A remix of Novus's own song. The piano theme is varied a little more and the drums have been changed from that typical bass-hat-snare-hat etc. beat to a funky and more creative drum beat. But still this is almost the same song, and if you have the original one, you should think that do you really want the same song twice on your HD? But if you don't have the original, get it! It's worth it. Samples are good, and Novus has made a technically flawless song (again), so what can you complain about? How can you get 3 lines with a composer with these skills ;)

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Info Internal Texts *

***Lucent Intentions: The Shining Remix - Composed and remixed by Novus***

  If you'd like to contact me for any reason (*cough*feedback*cough*), my
                            e-mail address is...


 C'mon, write to me!  You want better music, right?  Well, I can't make my
                music better without feedback!  So, gimme! :)

          While I'm at it, lemme get in a couple of plugs here...

                          ATTENTION ALL NEWBIES!!!
 You want to write better songs, right?  Well, I can help you!  In fact, I
         WANT to help you! :)  Visit Novus's Wide World of MODs at
http://surf.to/novus to find out more about how I can help you unlock your
 musical potential.  You could be the next Dr. Awesome and just don't know
                    it yet, so what are you waiting for?
                          ATTENTION ALL TRACKERS!!
Want to know how good you REALLY are at writing songs?  The tracking group
Full Circle invites YOU to enter The Complete MOD Compo, a monthly tracker
 competition on the Internet, run by common-sense and fairness.  No biased
judges! (Heck, no judges at all!)  No style limitations!  No sample packs!
  Just you, your competitors, and the voters. This is the way compos were
            meant to be run.  Visit http://surf.to/compo today!

halo pad
snow violin
snare drum
dance hat
bass buzz
bass guitar
high string
low string
closed hat
bass drum
tom drum

--==Lucent Intentions==--
--==The Shining Remix==--

--==Composed by Novus==--
-==Originally by Novus==-
-=A Full Circle Release=-
-==Released on 2/14/98==-

---====HUGE THANKS====---
---===TO LEVIATHAN!===---

I couldn't have done this
without the suggestions
and marathon music theory
lessons I got from
Leviathan of Analogue.
Lev, it was great to work
with one of my all-time
favorite trackers, and I
thank you greatly for the
time and effort you spent
helping me.

Special greetz out to...

God - You've made it
clear that the priesthood
isn't for me after all. I
wish You'd let me know
what to do instead, but
I know You'll tell me
what I need to know when
I need to know it. You
know I still want to
serve You in some way.

Renn - You've been a huge
help with CMC and Full
Circle, and your music
helps brigthen my day.
Thanks, and keep it up!

Andreas Viklund - I'm
never going to catch up
to your music, am I? :)

More greetz out to...
Beat, Traxler, Twiggy,
Lee, Virtuos, Caitiff,
Overflow, AndyB, Mesonyx,
JHayfield, Generic, Bar,
Orion, Nolan, Crush, Mom,
Dad, Andy, Chris, Rita,
and Inspekdah Deck.

Thanks to everyone I
sto- er... ripped samples
from! ;)

Hit [SHIFT] and [F9] or
read the Song Message for
some important info.

The original version of
"Lucent Intentions" is
copyrighted 1997 by Vince
Young.  All rights

"Lucent Intentions: The
Shining Remix" is
copyrighted 1998 by Vince
Young.  All rights

"Kant is not an idiot."
        -Professor Murphy
halo pad <Pulse>
snow violin <Placid>
energy <Outshined>
cymbal <Siren>
snare drum <Siren>
dance hat <TSEC>
pulse <TSEC>
bass buzz <TSEC>
bass guitar <C. Jarvis>
high string<Chris Jarvis>
low string <Chris Jarvis>
piano 2 <Andy Chen>
piano 3 <Andy Chen>
piano 4 <Andy Chen>
piano 5 <Andy Chen>
tamborine <Siren>
closed hat <Chris Jarvis>
bass drum <Chris Jarvis>
tom drum <Siren>
rimshot <$volkraq>

--==Lucent Intentions==--
--==The Shining Remix==--

--==Composed by Novus==--
-==Originally by Novus==-
-=A Full Circle Release=-

All samples ripped, with
source in <brackets>.

Hit [F4], please.

* As per section 1.6 of our terms of use, The Mod Archive does not in any way guarantee the accuracy of the information contained on the website nor does it guarantee that such information will be free of objectionable content or free of content which is unsuitable for minors.
