Mammagamma (
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>Alan Parsons Project< Eye In Sky: Mammagamma Author: Alan Parson Composer of this module: Rayko® One of the most popular songs of Alan Parson Is not exact, but is good. Enjoy it. I made this song with modplug, and I used the Chorus effect on the song. I also used Bass Expansion, reverb and sorround. If you have Modplug set the effects on to hear better.
Bass Bass Drum Techno Snare Unusued Closed Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Revers Cymbal Jazz Guitar Voice String Ensemble High String Ensemble Low Low-Mid Tom High Floor Tom Low Floor Tom Overdrive Guitar DistortionGt Crash Cymbal Basic DemoSample-Pack Bass untitled Techno Snare untitled Close Hi-Hat Open Hi-Hat Reverse Cymbal Jazz Guitar 1 Jazz Guitar 2 Jazz Guitar 3 Jazz Guitar 4 Jazz Guitar 5 Jazz Guitar 6 Jazz Guitar 7 Voice1 Voice 2 Voice 3 String Ensemble High String Ensemble Low Tom 1 Tom 2 Tom 3 Overdrive Guitar 1 Overdrive Guitar 2 Overdrive Guitar 3 Overdrive Guitar 4 Overdrive Guitar 5 Overdrive Guitar 6 Overdrive Guitar 7 Overdrive Guitar 8 Overdrive Guitar 9 Overdrive Guitar 10 DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt Crash Cymbal clean.xi (28K) DistortionGt DistortionGt DistortionGt
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Artist's Comments
You'll have better experence with Modplug and better if you have DirectX installed (Chorus and Reverb).- - Rayko